Download numerous Paris audio guides here.

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Enjoy our Paris iAudioguide

The iAudioguide of Paris covers 16 sights of major interest, including tracks on the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre museum. On our free Paris map shows what the audio tour covers and where the attractions are. Just print it out. A typical track lasts about 4 minutes, the whole tour is about one hour. You can choose yourself the order of your tour, and visit the attractions you are most interested in. The audio guide is available for streaming or to download on:

AmazoniTunesGoogle Play MusicAudibleSpotify. Click on the link of your choice, and listen to a preview there. Or, use the audio tour on a smartphone app, see the links below.

On Amazon, Google and iTunes the guide is available in a bundle together with the audio guides of Brussels and London, at no extra cost for you.


Useful resources

Our partner bookdepository delivers travel guide books and other books for free in most parts of the world. See popular London travel guides with free delivery here..
In addition to audio guides, audible offers a lot of audio books to listen before or during your trip.
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