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These terms and conditions of use (‘T&C’) apply to the websites and (‘the website’, ‘we’) and to all content (including, without limitation, texts, logos, audio files, T&C) provided. By using these websites, you agree to the T&C. If you do not agree, do not use the website.

The websites and its content are the property of TP1 s.p.r.l., the parent company of The content is protected by national and international copyright laws. By using the websites and agreeing to the T&C, you will be granted a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to enter and use the websites. We respect copyright. If you think that some of the content is an infringement of other copyright holders, or if others infringe our copyrights, please let us know.

As described in the text of the website, you may download the audio files and accompanying background information including, without limitation, city maps with a list of sights for your personal non commercial use under the following conditions. You may not copy, translate, modify, republish or redistribute all or some of the downloaded files in any form. The files are freely available if you use them for personal non-commercial purposes.

There is the possibility to get a commercial license to use the content of the website. This commercial licence is not free. Details on the licence will be spelled out in the contract between and the licensee.

You agree not to use deep-links to compressed content in .zip format.

The website and its content may be altered at any time without prior notice. You agree to check for updates including changes of the T&C.

The website contains links to other websites, which are not under our control and for which we are not responsible. This includes, but is not limited, to third parties’ websites offering hotel reservations, car rental, transport tickets and other commercial or non-commercial websites.

You use the website and its content on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis on your own risk. We do not guarantee that the content of this website is always reliable, available, timely, secure, complete and/or error free. As we cannot fully exclude unauthorised access to the website (‘hacking’), we do not guarantee that the content is virus free. If you do not accept this, do not use this website.

We are not responsible for any financial or other harm arising from the use the website, including, without limitation, lost profits or business opportunities, data losses, damages to your ear from listening at high volume, accidents while listening or reading the content, damages to your audio and/or computer devices or data stored on them arising from downloads. In no event shall we be liable for any damages arising for the use of the websites in excess of the greater of 25 Euro (in case of using free content) or the price of a paid service.

You agree that the governing law on the use of this website is the law of Belgium, the jurisdiction where is located. You waive the possibilities to take measures under other jurisdictions. The Belgian jurisdiction also concerns users from around the world who have downloaded and/or used the content outside Belgium. If you do not accept this, do not use the website.

Any possible claim must be made within 6 months after the download of the content. be reached through the contact form or under the following address: – TP1 sprl
Managing Director: LPSVANE
Owner: T. P e t e r s
Rue Le Correge 29
B-1000 Brussels/Belgium
VAT number: BE-0879.869.875
Phone +32.486.823740

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